Friday, May 15, 2009

Peaceful Quilt, Peaceful Place, and Sam Elliott

Been so busy, haven't had much time to blog these days. But I wanted to share this pretty, peaceful stack-n-whack quilt with you. Aren't these fans beautiful?
I wasn't sure what to put in the fans, but I chose a simple feather. Isn't this fabric beautiful?
And this reminded me of a beautiful Japanese Garden I visited in Portland, Oregon in April. I was in Portland visiting my parents. One day we had some free time and driving around the city, we found this lovely place to visit.
You can tell it was springtime.
It was very peaceful and serene.
This was the view below of Portland from the gardens. It was a beautiful day.
My father-in-law who also lives in Oregon now, came along with us. In the picture below are three generations. My father-in-law, my hubby, and my BabyBoy.
Here is my BabyBoy checking out the koi fish pond.
And below is a stressed-out guy trying to make you think he's relaxing! LOL
And what are these guys doing? Enjoying the beauty of the gardens?
Well, they were! That was until the camera lady disturbed them!

Now here's something completely unrelated but kinda funny! While visiting my neice and nephew's high school, David Douglas High in Portland, I checked out the Student Body President 'Hall of Fame.' Each student body president, past and present, has a portrait displayed in the hall. (my nephew is next year's president, so his portrait will be added to the wall too!) Well, check out who was the student body president in 1962! Do you recognize this future star? It's Sam Elliott!
Below is what he looks like today!
Of course, I fell in love with him in 1976 when I saw the film Lifeguard.
I was surprised to learn he lived in the Pacific Northwest. Sam Elliott is the perfect cowboy! Check out the stache!

Now get back to work, Vivian!


Dawn said...

the quilt is stunning! the secenery is gorgeous...even at the bottom of the post!! **grin**

Shannon said...

I love Sam Elliot the cowboy!

Suzanne said...

He's the ultimate cowboy! Your quilting is beautiful, as usual!

seanymph said...

Oh be still my heart! I loveeeeeeeeee Sam Elliot. He is my favorite. Im a Ca. lady but moving up to Oregon soon. I didnt know Sam was from there.

Also I just love your quilt. Its absolutely beautiful! Long ago I wanted to make a fan quilt and just never got around to it. Now Im glad I didnt. Yours tho is inspiring.

Karen said...

Beautiful fan quilt!