Sometimes I remember...
Last Tues. on the KTLA morning news here in southern California, they were talking about how young people today aren't familiar with terms and names from even 20 years ago. This reminded me of a story about Daughter #1 when she was about 16. So during the news broadcast I went to the KTLA website and emailed the following story to them. And before the broadcast ended, one of the newscasters, Sam Rubin, read my email!
"Your water-cooler buzz topic this morning reminded me of a time when our daughter was teen. A friend of ours had the first name John and middle name Wayne. Once he was trying to get our daughter to guess his name. He gave all kinds of hints like, 'I was named after a famous western actor, etc. etc.' She could never figure it out. Finally he told her, 'My name is John Wayne!' She looked at him completely serious and said, 'You were named after an airport???'
They all had a good laugh. I called Daughter #1 immediately and said, "how many people in your neighborhood can say they had a story about them read on a news station in LA?" I'm glad I remembered that story!
Sometimes I don't...
Sometimes I don't...
Every now and then my quilting customers ask me to... "quilt mine like my friend's." Well, to be honest with you, sometimes I don't remember how I quilted their friend's quilt! It's a good thing I take photos for reference. These are 2 Christmas quilts I quilted the same. I looked at my photos for reference.
Quilt #1
Now back to quilting, Vivian! (And back to blogging too! I have tons of stories and quilt pictures to share!)
I love your feathers!
I LOVE the quilting on your new header photo.
I hope to be able to "embarrass" my kids with stories in the future. I hope I can remember, too.
Welcome back. Hope your son is doing well.
Glad you are back. I have been missing your blogs. I absolutely love the blue quilt and gold quilt.
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