Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My 50-Cent Find!

Yes I know "50-cent" is a rapper...or so my son tells me. But look what I got for 50-cents!
I was at a garage sale a few months ago. (some parts of the country call them tag-sales, yard-sales, etc...you get it.) Anyway at this house they were getting rid of their recently-deceased grandma's "junk." There, wadded up in a plastic bag were 22 blocks like you see pictured. They had been lovingly appliqued to what was then, very old, tattered muslin. I looked around to see if there were any other quilters lurking around hoping to steal my discovered treasure. No, the coast was clear!
I asked the guy how much he wanted for the bag. He looked at it and said, "Oh I don't know, more of Grandma's junk, how about 50-cents?" I said "SOLD!" I gave him the 50-cents and took off, trying to contain my delight!
Since then I have tenderly removed the fans and re-appliqued them to new, unbleached muslin. My goal is to have them completed into a quilt by Feb. 21, which is my Thimbleberries Club day. I may actually have something to share at "show and tell"...such a rare thing for me. I usually don't participate in the projects, just gab with my friends and buy lots and lots of Thimbleberries!
I'll post pictures when the quilt is finished. Grandma (whoever she is) will be so pleased, I think.


Debra Dixon said...

Can you say WOW! and for 50¢ even!

Rian said...

I'll second Debra's WOW! Good booty, girl!

laura west kong said...

What a wonderful find, they're going to make a beautiful quilt!

Thanks for visiting my blog.
laura k